Orientation MUNDay

Orientation MUNDay

Date: 2022-09-26

Time: 12:45 PM

Venue: Seminar Hall 2

An orientation was conducted Club Presidents Anurag G and Anirudh Rowjee, to brief the new batch of students to the college on our club.The duo explained what a MUN is, and the importance of of debate and research in a MUN. An explanation of what a MUN is, along with a brief history of the club was shared. The benefits of taking part in such conferences was showcased, along with the list of accolades the club had garnered in 2021 was proudly shared. The new presidents for the club, Abhiram Dasika and Harsh Somvanshi were announced, and they explained the recruitment process, comprising of the article writing followed by an interview round. The session concluded with a question-answer session, and the release of article topics.