Latest Newsletter

Edition III

April 2023

Recent Posts

The Anti-CAA Protests

✍️ Jitesh Kumar Nayak

Published: 2023-07-19
Reflections that shaped a nation

The East Pakistan Tragedy

✍️ Vedant Singh & Sharvi Ranjan

Published: 2023-04-21
How socio-economic turmoil led to the creation of a new state

Recent Events

Rules of Procedure Orientation

Date: 2022-11-18

Time: 3:30 PM

Venue: Seminar Hall 2

This event is over!

Orientation MUNDay

Date: 2022-09-26

Time: 12:45 PM

Venue: Seminar Hall 2

This event is over!

Meet Our Heads

core member

Abhiram Dasika

core member

Harsh Somvanshi